Our Services
Many Rwandan students live in rural areas, frequently without personal computers, smartphones, reliable access to the Internet, and in some cases, even electricity. Without these resources, it can be impossible for students to plan and submit college applications successfully. Few Rwandan secondary schools employ a college counselor, so even with access to technology in their school, high school juniors and seniors in Rwanda may find themselves unable to complete applications to schools beyond their local reach. Our accepted students gain access to accurate financial aid and scholarship information collected from our network of college counselor partners in the United States.

Demand for our services is high, and our program's acceptance rate is as selective as the most selective US colleges.
Our services include funding for college application fees, testing fees, Internet access, 45 days of in-person test tutoring, online essay-writing workshops, and access to a comprehensive digital library of financial aid and scholarship resources. Mentors work one-on-one with each student to answer any questions students may have.
Research focuses on opportunities in the United States and includes information on elite schools in Europe and Africa. Students work with mentors to create a tailored list of recommendations, including schools with truly complete scholarship opportunities.

Test Preparation

Students study alongside a team of test tutors at the ICT for All in All test academy in Kimironko, Kigali. The course is a rigorous 45 days, with classes held three days per week, four hours per day. ICT for All in All has worked with over 100 students and offers online and in-person test preparation.
Ann Arbor, MI

About Us
Our Services
How to Prepare
© 2020 by Sonrise Mentorship Corp.